
Happy New Year's 2013

Happy New Year's! We had a great little party with family, friends and the kids. This year I have a few New Year's resolutions I plan on sticking to. One resolution is to finish my weight loss journey. In January of 2010 I set out to finally lose weight, I did in June of 2012 I had lost a grand total of 120 pounds. Now its January 2013 and I have gained 30 pounds since then. I have not exercised or counted calories since July. Something threw me off track and screwed me all up and I gained some back but I am now dedicated I need to stop making excuse after excuse and just do it! I want to lose 80 more pounds and then maintain. I want to feel as good as I did when I lost the 120 pounds, I want my confidence to shine again!!! Another resolution I have is to stop jumping and doing things for people every time someone "orders" me to, Yes they "order" me to do stuff for them like If I am their maid or robot, I do take part in why they do that, I have always been an overly nice person who always let people take advantage of me. I refuse to allow that to happen anymore even if that means I have to be mean and not  nice at all. I don't owe anyone anything and don't plan on owing anyone anything. Well here's to a new year and new goals! I wish each and everyone one of you a Blessed Year.

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